Permanent Mission of Australia
to the United Nations
New York

241017 - United Nations Third Committee: Interactive Dialogue: Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression


17 October 2024

Thank you Chair.

Australia is committed to upholding the human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and strongly supports media freedom.

A free and independent press fosters a culture of accountability and is a fundamental part of any democratic society.

The increasingly oppressive trend in relation to the rights to freedom of expression and opinion is concerning. 

As the Special Rapporteur’s report notes, this trend did not begin with the current conflict in the Middle East. But it cannot be ignored that the Hamas-Israel conflict has been the deadliest conflict on record for journalists.

In the last 12 months, we have witnessed a terrible increase in the number of journalists and media workers killed, many in the Middle East but also around the world.

Journalists in armed conflict are protected under international humanitarian law as civilians.

Australia reiterates our call on all parties to conflict to adhere to international humanitarian law. 

Access to accurate and timely information is vital during conflicts, particularly for civilians who rely on this information. This is why restrictions and bans on the important work of journalists and media organisations, whether they be domestic or foreign, are concerning. 


Since Hamas’ terror attacks on 7 October, and the subsequent conflict, we have seen a disturbing rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia globally. 

Australia has not been immune to this trend – but we are working to combat it, and all forms of discrimination.

At home, we have recently appointed special envoys to combat antisemitism, and to combat Islamophobia.

The envoys will listen to and engage with the Australian community, experts and all levels of government on the most effective ways to combat issues that are fuelling social disunity.

Australia affords people the freedom to express their opinions through peaceful and constructive means and encourages all individuals to engage with democratic processes and make positive contributions to public debate.

Special Rapporteur: what strategies have you seen to be most effective in fostering environments conducive to diverse views, while promoting equality, understanding and tolerance?