Permanent Mission of Australia
to the United Nations
New York

241016 - Resident Coordinator and Member States Meeting


16 October 2024

Deputy Secretary General and distinguished colleagues.

Australia fully supports the Resident Coordinator system, which we see as a critical component of the multilateral architecture.

To the Resident Coordinators here today, Australia recognises and commends your work in incredibly challenging contexts. Your efforts to coordinate, convene, and lead UN country teams across complex agendas, in line with partner government priorities, are to be applauded.

Australia also highly values your role in bringing together the donor community, civil society, and other stakeholders to support the UN in delivering partner countries’ development plans, and in responding to crises.

With just over five years to go, and over a third of the Sustainable Development Goals stalled or regressing, it is vital that Resident Coordinators continue to steer UN country teams to deliver tailored, targeted, and coherent development support, in line with the 2030 Agenda.

Australia is pleased to support the Resident Coordinator system through multi-year contributions. We call on all member states to commit to sustainable and predictable financing of the Resident Coordinator system. Resident Coordinators must be adequately resourced to execute their functions as impartial and empowered leaders of UN country teams.

Deputy Secretary General, Australia underscores that Resident Coordinators working in UN multi-country offices face unique conditions and challenges, particularly in the Pacific region. The wider UN system must be more responsive to these specific needs, and work to further bolster Pacific multi-country offices.

UN duplication must be minimised, and the burdening of smaller countries and governments in the Pacific, should be avoided. UN country teams, under the leadership of Resident Coordinators, must embrace a joined-up, strategic approach to UN programming and operations, which must also be better aligned to Pacific priorities.

Australia remains fully committed to the Resident Coordinator system. You have our full support to deliver and double down on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.