Permanent Mission of Australia
to the United Nations
New York

240712 - 2024 UNRWA Pledging Conference


12 July 2024

National Statement by Chargé d'Affaires, Australian Mission to the UN, Rebecca Bryant

Mr President,

UNRWA does lifesaving work. This is why successive Australian Governments have funded it since 1951.

UNRWA is the only organisation with the capacity to deliver aid on the scale needed to address the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Around 90 per cent of Gazans are displaced.

Almost the entire population of 2.3 million is facing acute food insecurity.

UNRWA’s ability to operate is crucial in the current crisis.

In delivering on its mandate, UNRWA must ensure its integrity and neutrality are beyond reproach.

Australia welcomed the decisive actions by UNRWA and UN Secretary-General Guterres earlier this year to put in place additional safeguards, strengthen the integrity of operations and develop an action plan.

That is why Australia resumed funding to UNRWA in March.

It is why we will continue our funding of $20 million this year.

Australia welcomed the findings of the Colonna Review into UNRWA, and was pleased the UN Secretary-General accepted the recommendations, and that UNRWA has committed to implement them all.

Going forward, UNRWA must continue to ensure the highest standards of governance and accountability are met.

It must conduct a prompt and thorough investigation when any credible allegation is raised, and ensure anyone responsible is held to account.

Australia will work with UNRWA to maintain an ongoing focus on diligence and vigilance in its operations. We have expressed this shared commitment along with over 80 other donors earlier today.

We urge Israel to recognise UNRWA’s mandate, work constructively to ensure its integrity and facilitate its lifesaving work.

We express our sincerest condolences for the 193 UNRWA staff – and more than 80 other aid workers – killed in this conflict.

The death of any aid worker is unacceptable.

Australia has continually advocated for adherence to international humanitarian law and the protection of aid workers.

Civilians must be protected; aid must flow at scale; and hostages must be released.

The humanitarian catastrophe we are witnessing in Gaza cannot continue.

Australia’s guiding principle has always been the pursuit of a just and enduring peace in the form of a two-state solution.

UNRWA’s work remains vital as the international community strives for a just and enduring peace in the region.

Thank you.